The Weave and the Weft - Broken by Breakers

All of the songs were written, recorded and mixed by Hugh Tweedie, except for The Mermaid which was adapted from the words of Henry Hudson and set to music written by Hugh Tweedie.

Dendron Records 2012

I started these recordings 4 years ago but didn't feel ready to release them into the wild. The unifying theme, if any, is the sea, even though (as Garnet Rogers once said of his brother Stan) I'd get seasick crossing a wet lawn.

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The Weave and the Weft
Broken by Breakers

The Weave and the Weft - Broken by Breakers

posted by dfbm | Write a Comment

Fragil home recordings from Copenhagen. If backwards sounds add some psychedelic component, then I would call it psychedelic bedroom folk*. But that goes only for track one and it's not the strongest on this EP. But the other songs are pretty nice with some enjoyable guitar-melodies.

He's part of the Moongazing Hare superband

*) genres sucks, I know...

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