All music written and played by H.Moore except
'Little Satchel' written by Fred Cockerham
'Brighter day' written by rufus crisp
Art by H.Moore
4 song E.P. featuring 2 originals and 2 covers
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H Moore
Woods to Coast E.P.

UK based banjo player H Moore released a bunch of very cool banjo centered eps over the last years. He mainly plays his own material but also recorded some known tunes like Fred Cockerham's "Little Satchel"1 or "Wabash Blues" on the Sarpa E.P..
It's mostly just bare bone banjo, sometimes accompanied by (slide) guitar. More boiled the tunes down to their essence, so no track is longer than two minutes, which is nice.
This is not your grandpa kind of banjo folk, unless your grandpa experimented with psychedelia.
Shout out to Jeffrey Davison who recommended this to me.
All music written and played by H.Moore except for Wabash blues. Two originals and one cover.
powered by bandcamp
Art by H.moore
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