Andy McLeod - In the Light of the Day

Andy McLeod
In the Light of the Day

Andy McLeod - In the Light of the Day

posted by dfbm | Write a Comment

Andy McLeod's music popped up one day, while I was browsing bandcamp. It was just a few demo songs he put online, but track titles like Morning Raga caught my eye and soon afterward my ear. That's actually the origin of the title of the "world-famous mixtape series"1 here on Dying For Bad Music.

Based on what I heard I asked him if he wanted to record an album for DFBM and with Forge the Valley he came up with a beautiful blend of American Primitivism and psychedelic infused American Folk. I am really proud of that album and when I listened to his new output In the Light of the Day, I am even more proud of Andy, how he improved, what fine songs he had written and how he plays along with others.

This album is sort of a direct expression of what it's like to be playing music in Philadelphia these days. The collaborative element reflects how many talented people are living here right now, many of whom I play with on both my music and traditional music in local jam circles around the city. I play the guitar in a way that is both respectful of the American Primitive tradition and eager to explore contemporary psychedelic music and Appalachian string band music. This music keeps me alive, it's all I've got.

If you enjoy Jack Rose and The Black Twig Fiddlers don't miss Andy McLeod and his friends.

And if you want more of his string band tunes, there is a session for grabs on his bandcamp.

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